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Huey D. Johnson

Huey D. Johnson is the founder and president of the Resource Renewal Institute (RRI), a nonprofit organization that incubates ideas and practices for environmental sustainability. He is a leading voice for Green Plans, a comprehensive and integrated approach to protecting and managing natural resources in use by the European Union and a growing number of countries. From 1976-1982, Mr. Johnson served as Secretary of Resources for the State of California where he conceived and implemented "Investing for Prosperity," a hundred-year plan for managing the state's natural resources. The California plan achieved lasting gains in forest restoration, salmon recovery, water and wetlands conservation, and renewable energy, and formed the basis of Johnson's advocacy on behalf of Green Plans. An avid hunter and fisherman, Mr. Johnson has written extensively on urban hunting. He is active in national and international organizations dedicated to conservation.

Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
TUE (16.07, evening) 24 / 22 Day
WED (16.07, night) 18 / 16 Night
WED (16.07, morning) 20 / 18 Day
WED (16.07, day) 29 / 27 Day

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Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



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