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Our company

Dear friend!

It is my pleasure to greet you on behalf of Absolute Siberia Ltd and our staff.

For about 30 years we have been involved in the international travel industry of Russia. We well remember tourism in the Soviet Siberia when breaking through the “iron curtain” was, probably, major motivation for most foreign travelers to come here, if not to count the value of the Trans-Siberian and phenomenon of Lake Baikal. Much has changed since. Siberia is now absolutely open, remains beautiful, hospitable and friendly as ever offering all unique destinations to its visitors. The incentive travel industry and international tourism continue to intensively develop in Siberia.

Our company was designed as Siberia’s Bureau of Events & Expeditions. We love developing tours running them well with sustainability principles in mind, provide fascinating educational experiences in a fun and relaxed environment. One of our goals is to find extraordinary ways to connect you with nature and local people.
We have pioneered international eco- tourism in the area of so-called “Baikal & Mongolian Asia” connecting 2 Great twin lakes: Baikal and Hovsgol. A great number of curious and adventurous people who respect cultural heritage and treasure the natural world have since been attracted and went on our off-the-beaten path journeys to this area of the world’s largest fresh-water basin.

We love taking part in the events and have a well-earned reputation of creating good events, international festivals some of which have already gained world-wide recognition. And in our view, each of the tour, journey, corporate or leisure program has to be a lifetime event for visitors and local communities likewise, conserving natural and cultural environment.

We live and work on the shores of sacred Lake Baikal regarded as the criterion for Global purity. And that obliges. These fantastic nature beauties were borrowed by us from the generations yet unborn, and while managing the natural resources for our own sake we have to preserve them with no damage for the generations to come. And then, once this task has been fulfilled one can truly say: “my life was an absolute event!”

We want to responsibly show you more of the beautiful Siberia. And in doing this we will help ensure you enjoy your stay. Thank you for visiting us at this web-site and, please, be our guests!

With wishes of absolutely nice events and Siberian health to you,
Yours sincerely, Mr. Alexey Nikiforov Absolute Siberia Ltd., Director

Our contacts: “Absolute Siberia” Ltd.
Events & Expeditions Bureau
Dekabrskikh Sobytiy Str. 55-203, Irkutsk, 664007, Russia
Tel.: +7 3952 207 561, fax: +7 3952 296 218


Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
SAT (28.03, morning) -3 / -1 Day
SAT (28.03, day) 3 / 1 Day
SAT (28.03, evening) 4 / 2 Day
SUN (28.03, night) 3 / 1 Night

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



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