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Team-building and IncentiveTrips on Lake Baikal

                            L  Lake  Baikal Best Winter Bait  ake  Baikal Best Winter Bite  


                                                    Duration: 10 days/ 09 nights; Tour dates: March,19-March,28,2016

                                                                    “ When my friends in Moscow heard I was going to Siberia in February, they said:" It's going to be cold." Actually it was not that cold. Awaiting an arctic blast as I stepped off the plane into the Siberian snow, I found myself feeling no more chilled then I would on a ski vacation. Instead of the dark, frozen place of exile that I had expected - home of the Gulag and the salt mine - I found streets of Irkutsk filled with shoppers and vendors and fur-hatted peasants carrying purchases home. Shops were stocked with fresh fruit and stylish clothing and crowded restaurants served hearty traditional food like Siberian dumplings and stews…Siberia is unexpectedly mild in winter and surprisingly sunny in the winter months, when the deep colors of the forest shine against the snow.”Andrew Rosenbaum, “Siberia Belies Its Somber Image”

                 The ice and landscape of the “enchanted” Lake Baikal in winter is so unreal: like the water of the lake the ice is very clear, pure and slightly blue in color.  There are literally waves frozen into bizarre shapes, and the blues and turquoise colors are amazing, set off by the orange lichens and grey rocks. The sense of peace and the obvious power of nature prevail over here.  Once visiting Baikal in winter you’ll go crazy snapping pictures of the ice cover of Baikal that still continues to live under and one can feel its Great breath… And walking onto the ice is a   strange sensation - one can still be able to see the bottom of the lake quite clearly.

       The Baikal Best Winter Bite tour Itinerary highlights the best of  Baikal in the end of March – best time to visit this gorgeous area during the season. It allows to explore the natural taiga-woods of Baikal by snow-mobiles and unique sled-dogs, meet local people during the  “Maslenitsa” -Shrovetide Festival, go fast down the Siberia’s longest slide or take a horse-sleigh ride, enjoy the Siberian winter folk entertainments, meet with the real shamans, learn the culture and ways of life of the native Buryats, taste native Siberian and Russian cuisines, learn and compete in the ice-fishing on the world’s deepest and largest freshwater lake, and more…

 Certainly, the tour is designed for the ice-fishing lovers – both experienced and beginners alike. During the tour, you will be able to compete in a unique

Baikal-Kamchatka Ice Fishing tournament, enjoying both, fun of friendly competition, while staying in great outdoors that Lake Baikal offers here…

Read this incentive tour offer


Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
WED (22.10, morning) 1 / -1 Day
WED (22.10, day) 7 / 5 Day
WED (22.10, evening) 3 / 1 Day
THU (22.10, night) 1 / -1 Night

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



Ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà - Prime Group LTD.