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Ecological & Neo-Expeditions

 “The POLE of BAIKAL Enchanted in Ice ” Ecological & Cultural Journey

Highlights: The Pole of Baikal is our very Special Event organized once a year on great Baikal while on the mid spring journey on the ice by special hovercrafts highlighting introduction into the lake’s ecology and its ethnography, Pole of Baikal exclusive ceremony with famous Shaman of Baikal –Bashilla, “Baikal kamchatka” ice-fishing and Baikal “banya” steam-bath …with possible extension to “Baikal Prize Open” Ice Golf Tournament.
Duration: 12 days/11 nights, March
Logistical details: Fly from US to Moscow, spend a night ther, visit Kremlin, then fly to and explore Irkutsk –“Paris of Siberia” ( days 3-4), then on by coach to Listvyanka town on Lake Baikal ( days 5-6), on Day 7 board air cushioned hovercrafts for a 5 days safe journey along the lake’s frozen surface with stays in fabulous places, before returning to Irkutsk by overland road on Day 11 and finally leaving from Russia by flight from Moscow after spending last night at the hotel. Read the itinerary...




«The Equation of Water and Cosmic Equinox of Baikal»

Celebrating New Year at lake Baikal in an absolutely new way, with dignity


This will be the longest introduction to our new expedition tour route. Because The Great Water presented the main content of the prepared by us neo – program, and deserves that. For those, selected and privileged who will go with us to learn the secrets and mystery of water in general, and the most powerful source of planetary information – The Baikal Lake, in particular, this route becomes an extraordinary event. Time for a celebration of Absolute New Year, the Point of Water en route and accompanying behaviors were chosen by us far not for nothing.

Introduction. Or initiation in the Event Subject.

An Austrian researcher of water Viktor Schauberger at the close of his days wrote: «I intend to return to the forest once more, there to die in peace. The whole of science and all its hangers-on are nothing but a band of thieves, who are suspended like marionettes and must dance to whatever tune their well-camouflaged slave-masters deem necessary»

It seems that this is the way doctors or candidates from sciences prove that need of pills for "atypical" diseases, prospecting new oil fields, making up geopolitical conflicts inevitable. They hurry up to take off high from the ground in their "colliders" in special and personal aspiration to learn the Universe, without wishing to simply feel an obvious proximity of Truth here, on Earth.

For a balanced and harmonious satisfaction of all our needs on a live Planet Earth we were granted everything that is necessary and that it is not required to be procured – It shines for us from up above and runs to us in rivers and streams in full and without loss...

 Take for example, Shumak springs which together with Cosmic Baikal lead to a gnosis of Great Water on our route. Rising up from a colossal depth all these springs come out from under one rock by two or three streams being divided inside invisible parallel watercourses, they are discharged out several centimeters from each other being of different chemical content and of different temperature!

Right here you will doubt a notorious natural water cycle. Water at Shumak is from the Womb of our Earth and it has been flowing unceasingly for already millions of years through granite and basalt "barriers". From a kilometer depth it comes out not letting return stream from the "circulation" back into the Womb… And that Water does not simply comes out from the ground, without any financial investment it cures and feeds back to life incurable people who come here with belief and honor, and with a kind word.
Whereas there are no language barriers for the water regarding gratitude and kindness as well as rage and curses. Water reflects fundamental properties of the Universe as a whole and a human being in particular; being the most powerful data carrier The Water absorbs, stores and transfers our thoughts and emotions. For this very reason, the holy water is generally recognized to be healing.  It had that special prayed-in feeling of good wishes, it imprints positive vibrations of a human voice and chant. Experiments of a Japanese researcher Masara Emoto, his Russian colleagues Pavel Goskov and Stanislav Zenin discovered an "effect of homeopathy": if to add 10 grams of the Holy water into 50 liters of plain water, the last will turn into holy one by its structure and properties; electromagnetic oscillations of holy water and of a healthy human organs match each other; water in a glass over which a person read a prayer possesses special biologically active characteristics.
         I often recall a Ceremony of Sending Love and Gratitude to Water of Lake Baikal  led by Dr. Masaru Emoto on August 03, 2008 , at sacred Burkhan Cape of Olkhon Island. By a twist of fate, we were helping Mr. Emoto with the organization of the ceremony and with the set of the 2nd part of an outstanding movie by Saida Medvedeva about Water.   
        That time people who had gathered at at the cape near Shamanka rock and in other parts of our planet glancing at water pronounced same words in different languages, at the same time: words of love and appreciation to water.
      As Professor Korotkov , who carried on water reaction data recording that day, wrote later: “..The atmospheric conditions were quite remarkable. On the other sideof the strait was heavy raining. Dark clouds were swirling along the horizon with long strips of rain. Only little clouds drifted to our side and their shadow was only helpful. During the     ceremony clouds became more condensed and when Dr. Emoto told his last words first drops fell down and rain started.. It was like a miracle: God listened to our plea and helped us to fulfill the task!   Sailing back, we were looking to the surrounding landscapes through the veil of rain. But when we approached the harbor, someone shouted: “Come to the deck, look!” Just strait ahead of our ship was a huge twin rainbow. The legs were standing on the opposite sides of a narrow rocky gates leading to the harbor. It was magnificent solar presentation, splendid entertainment, prepared for us by the Nature. Solar rays were being projected like beams from the other side of a strait. “God really blessed us,” – someone told.”    
        And we still continue to use foul language by the Lake, still continue to spit into the cleanest and most ancient water; still  throw garbage while calling the Glorious Sea as "the well of the Planet Earth". We, like the second pulp and paper mill in Baikalsk, shove in negative information and destroying emotions into the memory of sacred waters as if deliberately to seek the way to change its structure – as a heritage to descendants or simply to our own perish.
      The planet like a living being reacts to our thoughts and behavior giving us a sign that we should have changed ideology and become responsible today for words said and actions performed which will surely affect our health and life of our relatives tomorrow.   We can cure ourselves and the planet, consciously developing positive "vibrations" of love and appreciation to water. And not only in "church" - for receiving holy prayed-in by people, and therefore healing and effective water. Water is always nearby - both in ourselves and around us …

     In 1958 right before his death Viktor Schauberger wrote: «Everything came out of water. It is a universal raw material of any culture or a foundation of any human and spiritual development. The revelation of the secret of water will put an end to all manner of speculation or expediency and their excrescences, to to which belong war, hatred, impatience and discord of every kind».

      The phenomenon of Great Water will accompany us during below presented route and absolutely new event which will open Mother Earth Power spots on Lake Baikal , in proper  time which is the most suitable for this purpose - on the eve of the real New Year. That New Year was defined by the Universe and its conductor – The Great Water long before a man appeared. During that day - day of a spring equinox you will have a great opportunity to celebrate the New Year for the sake of Water, so for the benefit of you and yours.

“Technogenic way of thinking of and acting by modern humans, tangible losses of spiritual orientation and ethical values have set humanity on the brink of global disaster. Therefore, reference to millennia-old experience of the previous generations has become acute. Study of sources that reflect the worldview of our distant ancestors, led me to the following thoughts: these materials are, sometimes, in encrypted form, sometimes, in plain text provide information about the huge potential of the Baikal region as the world's model of sustainable development and ecological balance. Ways of turning potentials into reality are pointed out in them. This is the path of reason, high spirituality, understanding that we all are particles of Space." - Genghis Gomboin

«Equation of Water and Cosmic Equinox of Baikal»

                                                                                                                             Route and Schedule of the Event

Day 1 - You arrive to Irkutsk - "Paris of Siberia" and the nearest gate to its Pearl and the Well of the Planet – Lake Baikal. You are met, transferred to cozy hotel in the very center of the city. After some rest and a lunch in the hotel we will go on a sightseeing tour of the city visiting its historical center, the Znamensky Convent known for its rich and original iconostasis, and also for graves of Decembrists and Russian Columbus – Grigory Shelekhov. After that we invite you to a meeting with the Scientist let into a secret of Water …. Upon arrival back to the hotel over a cup of tea you will be briefed and oriented on a forthcoming route of our event.

Tomorrow we fly to Shumak the place which Oshor Zandanov, the prior of Kyren Buddhist Temple (datsan) described as following: "… Shumak treats, – postprimary. This sacral place is The Mother Earth Power spot  where it bleeds to the surface special signs, say, goodwills. In these parts there live spirits, mighty owners of the area. It is some kind of a beacon or a locator as such …"


Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
FRI (14.03, morning) -17 / -15 Day
FRI (14.03, day) -4 / -2 Day
FRI (14.03, evening) -8 / -6 Day
SAT (14.03, night) -14 / -12 Night

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



Ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà - Prime Group LTD.