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Our Featured Event
04.03.2019 XV Baikal Ice Marathon

The Winner is Anton Dolgov from Moscow, Russia, who finished the marathon course with the time of 3 hours 05 min. 05 sec. The second and the third places were taken by Sergei Kalashnikov from Irkutsk, Russia - 3:12:56, and Jan Ďuk from Czech Republik - 3:15:58. The Winner among ladies is Ekaterina Lykasheva from Irkutsk, Russia, who finished the full course with the time of 3 hours 49 min. 30 sec. The second and the third places were taken by Anastasia Naidenko from Moscow, Russia - 4:09:47, and Lybov Timofeeva from Cheboksary, Russia - 4:10:57.

The half marathon winner among men of XV Baikal Ice Mararhon "Clean Water Preservation Run" is Zak Mahdoudou (FRA) - 1:46:54, 2nd place - Pierre Vaudran (FRA) – 1:55:31, the 3rd place – Torsten Klaus Peter Probst (Germany) - 2:05:25.

The half marathon winner among ladies is Nadezhda Voronchenko( UKR) - 2:00:25, 2nd place – Paulina Bukowczyk (POL) - 2:04:58, 3rd place - Fumika Inadomi (JPN)- 2:13:36.

 The Results of  XV Baikal Ice Marathon 

Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
TUE (18.02, morning) -17 / -15 Day
TUE (18.02, day) -11 / -9 Day
TUE (18.02, evening) -15 / -13 Day
WED (18.02, night) -19 / -17 Night

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



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