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Our Featured Event
08.03.2016 XII Baikal Ice Marathon Results

The XIIth edition of Baikal Ice Marathon "Clean Water Preservation Run" was successfully held on March, 06, 2016. 192 runners from 26 countries took part in the toughest race we ever had, part of the runners of the XII BIM had to stop the race under force majeure circumstances. The Winner is Piotr Hercog from Poland, who finished the marathon course with the time of 3 hours 55 min. 51 sec. The second and the third places were taken by Łukasz Zdanowski from Poland - 4:07:20, and Sergey Khazov from Krasnoyarsk, Russia - 4:15:55. The Winner among ladies is Darya Manziy from Irkutsk, Russia, who finished the full course with the time of 5 hours 00 min. 48 sec. The second and the third places were taken by Li Fengchun from China - 6:04:29, and Gabriele Mayr from Germany - 6:21:35.

 The Results of XII Baikal Ice Marathon 

Photos of XII Baikal Ice Marathon by Masaki Nakamura

We all thank you for your participation in Baikal Ice Marathon race!

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Weather in Irkutsk
WED (03.12, morning) -16 / -14 Day
WED (03.12, day) -3 / -1 Day
WED (03.12, evening) -6 / -4 Day
THU (12.03, night) -12 / -10 Night

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



Ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà - Prime Group LTD.